Friday, December 10, 2010

Wing-Men Final Draft

Wai Sing Lam
December 8, 2010

Wing-Man Research Paper Final Draft

There have always been men in the world who have had trouble with picking up women. These are the men, who have experienced stress several times, where they could not find the words to say to a woman. Stress is the reason, why men need to rely on each other for help to finding a woman that all men look for. Men need each other to create a heterosexual bond by using men as wing-man, in hopes to receive the attention and interests of available single women. People need to see that men and wing-men work together as a team, where one man is giving advice and the other man take action. Heterosexual bond between men and the wing-man allows loyalty, trust, and confident to take place.

If struggling men don't look for a wing-man now, all hopes of men finding a woman is lost forever. It's important that men respect each other in a heterosexual bond of loyalty, because it allows struggling men to connect with single women in a more smoothier way. Men giving advice to other men is a way that builds a strong heterosexual bond, because guys could depend on each other when they need it. Mr Malov is a 28th year old dating coach that gives advice to struggling men, so that they could pick up women. Mr. Malov demonstrates a heterosexual bond of comfort, when he gave advice to a group of single men. In his article “Wing-men in the Wings,” Andrew A. Newman attempts to explain a heterosexual bond of agreement between two men:

"If you have an energetic personality, go out with someone more relaxed because he'll complement you more and determining who will be the wing-man and who the pilot ineach encounter. Before you approach, agree who's going to talk to the 8-on-a-scale-of-10 and who will keep the 6 entertained, and don't switch in the middle."(p.1)

This statement talks about the situation, where one of the man must decide who's going to be the wing-man and who will go after the woman. This is important, because it allows men to feel comfortable about helping and supporting each other when they pick up women. A heterosexual bond is build when two or more men look at each other to find out their next move. When both the man and the wing-man become successful, they will develop the right to bragg about their achievement in getting with a woman. Men with wing-men need great advice in order to hook-up with single women. But, another heterosexual bond men and wing-men must have is the ability to trust each other.

If men can't trust each other, then finding a woman is impossible. Men need to support each other by allowing the man to trust his wing-man. The wing-man must trust his guy friend, so that they could help each other out. The wing-man needs to take the one woman friend away from the other one woman at any cost, even if the friend is ugly or unattractive. This is a heterosexual bond of trust, because it shows how much good a friend the wing-man truly is. The wing-man must for-fill his duty to help his fellow men in achieving success, if the wing-man could successful move the girlfriend away from her buddy. This heterosexual bond between the wing-man and the other man, allows both men to trust each other when they pick up women. Two college students show a heterosexual bond, where two men show full trust with each other at a nightclub. In his article “The Girl Hunt: Urban Nightlife and the performance of Masculinity as Collective Activity” David Grazian tries to explain the popularity of wing-men action of distraction:

"As we were beginning to mobilize ourselves and move towards the dance floor, James noticed Rachel, a girl he knew from Penn who he often told me about as a potential girlfriend. Considering James was seemingly into this girl, Dan and I decided to be good wing-men and entertain Rachel's friend, Sarah."(p.330)

This statement describes a situation, where the wing-man is used to assist a friend by taking away the girl's buddy. So, that the wing-man friend could talk with the girl alone without any possible distractions. This show a heterosexual bond between men, because the use of teamwork and loyalty helps make the wing-men look good, while at the same time helps the other guy out. Men having the trust between each other, allows men to built a strong forever-lasting friendship. Both men will learn the value of friendship and loyalty from each other, when they work together to pick up women. When trust between men develops, it will allows men to feel a sense of superiority and dominate about successful finding a woman. Men need of a wing-man to distract the woman girlfriend is a strong message of trust between men. But, another main heterosexual bond that wing-men and men should share is confident.

If men don't have confident, then it will be difficult for men to find women. The wing-man must boost other men confident, before taking anymore actions. Once, men and the wing-man are on the same page, they will start to built a heterosexual bond. This heterosexual bond allows all men to feel confident with the help of a professional wing-man. Aaron Ellner is one of those professional wing-man, who is an expert in hooking up single men with women. In her article “The Dating Wing-Man: Helping the Lovelorn Is all In a Day Work the Professional Wing-Man” Aliza Appelbaum attempts to explain the professionalism of having a wing-man:

"Through his company, The Dating Wingman, he offers phone and in-person Consultations to dole out relationship advice to the lovelorn, and he holds singles events at bars in New York City about once a month. The most recent, on June 24, was geared toward people ages 21 to 31 hoping to meet that special someone."(p.1)

This statement describes Aaron Ellner as a professional matchmaker, who can hook up any man with that special someone they're after. The statement provides the service Aaron has to struggling single men looking for the special someone. This allow a heterosexual bond for the wing-man and the men, because confident will grow and allow men to feel less stressful, when trying to talk with a woman. Men with confident allows men to feel good about themselves as well as their friendship with their wing-man. Confident is important, because women could sense fear and would turn men down. Men need the heterosexual bond in order to help other men get through those tough times.

Men should have a wing-man to built their heterosexual bond with them, because it will help men boost confidence and strength toward finding women. Men seem to search for girlfriends or wives, but many have failed to achieve success. It's, because their too nervous or have no confident to tell women how they feel. Men should request the help of a wing-man to find the type of women they're after and want to be with for all eternity. The wing-man give very strong advice that I believe is accurate, clear, and very helpful in finding the type of women men desire. Wing-Men have helped many single men get with single women by being their go to guy. Wing-men are good people, because not a lot of people would take the time to help other men out with the ladies. Men should love the idea of having a go to guy to help them and make them look good. All men should get a wing-man, because they truly are the best people to go to, when guys need support and help with talking to women.

Works Cited

Appelbaum, Aliza. "The Dating Wing-man.Helping the Lovelorn Is All In a Day’s Work." Forward Newspaper. Forward Newspaper, 13 July 2010. Web. 22 Nov. 2010.

Newman, Andrew. A. "Wing-Men in the Wings." New York Times. New York Times, 25 March 2007. Web. 22 Nov. 2010.

Grazian, David. “The Girl Hunt: Urban Nightlife and the Performance of Masculinity as Collective Activity.” Men’s Lives. Michael S. Kimmel, Michael A. Messner, and Allyn & Bacon. New York. 8th edition (2010): 320-337 Print.

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