Friday, September 24, 2010

Men's Masculinities Outline

Preliminary Thesis: Men Masculinity should focus clean neat male that show no sign of fear or intimidation while at the same time has a very clean and wonderful smell that lead into opposite sex attraction.

I. Neat and well groomed male
A. Matthew Mcconaughey is dress in tuxedo and bow-tie.

His suit is black and white and he's dress ready to posed for a photo-shoot to show off a new male colon supportly.

2. Matthew is shown looking straight and holding his left hand on his bow-tie, so it doesn't fall from its position. While, at the same time the colon supportly to be in the ad is only shown on the right corner of Matthew.

Analysis: It does draw the attention of your male friends and it allow females to flirt and built an attraction towards men.

II. Soft standing Movie Star
A. A movie star known as Matthew Mcconaughey is used in a soft male position.

1. Matthew is facing straight forward showing no signs of fear or intimidation. He feels calm and ready to face the world whenever he takes the picture.

2. Matthew is leaning on no one and show no sign of a leaner. His shoulder and body is straighten up facing forward ready for posing. His smile brings confident and sign of being a grateful and excited young man.

Analysis: This will draw a high amount of attention towards males from female. This would get girls to sleep with males.

III. The smell strikes the attraction of female

A. A new male fragance is shown to give the male gender a sense of happiness, pride and a chance of being a man.

1. This new male fragrance is in a silver bottle and it brings the attention of the viewers while it be male or female. This fragance is used to persuade all males to be a man and use it the attraction of female.

2. The fragrance is from the company Dolce and Gabbana the one gentlemen. This fragance is posted in the right corner away from the male model. The better the smell of a male the more masculine he recieves by showing off his sexual appeal.

Analysis: This will draw many women into the arms of a male gender, once they sense the smell of a very good colon in the air.


  1. This is a very nice and developed outline. Your preliminary thesis, neat and well-groomed man appears masculine and attracts women, is supported by three points: the model's clothing, the model's pose and the scent of the perfume. The last point is a bit unclear- what aspect of the ad shows how the male fragrance smells? Reconsider this point. Also think about your second point about the model being a rock; McConaughey seems to project a softer image rather than an intimidating, rock image?

  2. Miss B I had edited my outline to help organize my first draft preparation. I have took your advice in clearing up confusion hopefully and I have changed my rock image into a soft image to indicate his facial expression he has in the ad. Thanks for the comment.

  3. Since, my final draft is offically posted. My main points towards men being protray as the masculine man is the sexual objects being apply to them are neatness, the soft man, and having great hygiene. These are what make men the true sex object toward gay men or women.
