Friday, October 1, 2010


October 1st, 2010

Male Masculinity First Draft

Males these days are seen all around the world in television ad’s, newspaper ads, or magazine ads. This is what is called Male Masculinity. What exactly does it does to be be male masculine. Well I’m here to tell you what it means to be male masculine or what it means to be a man. Men Masculinity is a male soul focus on being a clean, classy, neat man that show no sign of fear or intimidation while at the same time has a very clean and gazzling smell that draw the attraction of the opposite sex. There is one male out there that defines the definition of this male masculnility character and he is Matthew Mcconaughey. His character follows the definition of being a man very effective by the key of neatness, superior standing position, and a very wonderious smell Fragance that will be out there to die for. In this ad alone I’m here to show the three main quality of being male masculine, by using a male model to protrait the male masculine behavior in men.

The main quality of men masculinity is being a well groomed, organize, neat man who signify the class of being more superior than other men. In a male ad, the male model Matthew Macconaughey show the class of being a well groomed, organized, neat man who shows sign of being superior or better over others. In this ad the male masculinity is put into test, when the ad shows how the male modal is being display. Matthew is shown in the following ad in a black and white suit with a black bow-tie. His hand is grabbing the bow-tie so that it doesn’t fall off or out of place. This signify how Matthew wants to look good and organized like what its means to be truly men masculine. Men masculinity became a factor the instant other males took a look at this ad. It demonstrate the masculinity of what it means to be a man. Since, it bought the attention of the thousands of potential viewers and it made other men follow the step of Matthew, so they too could be masculine by doing and dressing like Matthew in the ad. This is the keypoint to being a real man if it draws the attention and attraction of the female gender. Even though glooming, looking neat, organized is a main factor in defining men masculinity another role this ad signify to masculinity is the facial expression the male model is shown in the ad.

Another main quality of the male masculinity is the standing position that is advised in the ad. In the ad, the male model is shown standing in a position that neither show a “Rock” or “Leaner” according to Susan Bordo article about men masculinity. But, the model stand in a more soft good boy confident position. Where, he stand straight up looking forward with a smile on his face. This shows a sign of confident, pride, and superior over others.The way the male model stand is definition of what men masculinity is, because it draws woman’s attraction knowing that they could get the women without having to try so hard to be someone or something they are not. The way the model stand also draw attention to males who want to be confident and have a sense of pride and superiority to attract and get with women. If males could stand and feel confident and a set of pride, then they too could be the definition of men masculinity or be the man they always wanted to be. Standing and taking actions are two different things in what it means to be male masculine. Standing position and being confident doing it is important, but one other factor will play the quality of what it means to be a real man and that quality is the factor of how a male smell. So, pretty much the key quality is hygiene. Without that men masculinity wouldn’t be possible.

The most important quality in men masculinity is hygiene. If men have great hygiene then they will be the definition of a real man. In the ad with Matthew Mcconaughey, he is shown posing for a new fragance colon for males to purchase. This colon is in a glass bottle with black top and is posted in the right corner of the model. The colon demonstrates the male Masculinity of hygiene. If a man cant obtain a good smell then the defined of a man is toss away. Men’s need good hygiene to attract women or have people around them. Men colon are advised to help other men’s smell wonderful so they could get out there and obtain a women. This is the main point for the attraction and attention span for males to females. The men hygiene is the main factor to the road of “manliness” according to what Susan Bordo wrote about Men’s Mascunlity. Susan Bordo said in her articles saying, “Male grooming products too are often marketed by way of “action hero” euphemisms which obscure their relation to feminine versions of the same product (a male girdle marketed by BodySlimmers is called the Double Agent Boxer) and the fact that their function is to enhance a man’s appearance: hair spray as “hair control,” exfoliating liquid as “scruffing lotion,” astringents as “scrubs,” moisturizers and fragrances as “after” or ‘pre’ accompaniments to that most manly of rituals, the shave”(pg 196). This mean’t both males and females ad to bring attraction of the opposite sex by posing in a sexual matter to draw the viewers attention. These ads are posted in order to help the same gender bring attraction towards the opposite sex. Rather than bring sexual thoughts to the opposite gender.

In conclusion, the third main points in a man to being male masculine is the ability to obtain neatness, to show a good boy confidence charm, and the best hygiene you could ever obtain. These are the three goals men's need to obtain the attention and the physical and non physical attraction of the female gender. The meaning of being a man is put into question, if they can't obtain one of these three points to reach what people have called as manliness. If men's like Matthew Mcconaughey could obtain these three things to become labeled as men Masculine, then any men could do the same and be a real man. Males just need to work hard and work they way to obtain these three qualities to become known as male's Masculinity.


  1. Your introduction is engaging as it mentions that advertisements feature men, like Matthew McConaughey, to sell products along with a masculine image. But I’m not sure what you mean by Male Masculinity? This is not a proper name or proper noun so it should not be capitalized. Also you do not state in your introduction a thesis which conveys how the brand, what is the brand featured in the ad you are advertising, through advertising the product is selling a SPECIFIC type of masculinity? Also ‘defines definition”? The first body paragraph focuses on the McConaughey’s well- groomed appearance and tuxedo. You make an excellent point about his appearance appealing to other men, who will want to imitate how McConaughey looks. But you need to clarify, and this is why a missing thesis is problematic, how this look illustrates masculinity? Also, you need work on incorporating more effectively, the point about McConaughey’s masculinity appealing to women.The second body paragraph focuses on McConaughey’s pose, which you suggest is representative of confidence which is synonymous with masculinity. But you need to proofread this paragraph for subject verb agreement. For example, you write “ the model stand in a more ….position”? Model stand or model stands? Also, “how a man smell”?

  2. In the third paragraph you make an interesting connection between masculinity, hygiene and the product. Unfortunately, this paragraph become confusing because the quote you included form Bordo’s chapter does not talk about hygiene but about how men’s products are advertised in a manner much different from those for women. Also, you need to proofread for spelling. What does “mean’t” mean?While I see what you are trying to do in your conclusion, suggest as Bordo does, that ads are like instruction for how to be masculine, your sentence structure and spelling makes your ideas unclear. What do you mean by “in conclusion, third main points”? Please read your essay out loud to yourself or to a friend/classmate. It will be easier for you to notice the places where you should make corrections.

  3. okay I'll check it right away when I wake up today. thanks for the feedback. I'm sure to make the correction and fix my essay up and spelling for my intro and body paragraph. also I'll find a different way to start the conclusion.
