Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Men's Masculinity Final Draft.

October 1st, 2010
Male Masculinity Final Draft

Males these days are seen all around the world in television ad’s, newspaper ads, or magazine ads. This is what is called male masculinity. What exactly is male masculinity? Male masculinity is when men’s focus solely on being a neat and soft man while having a very clean and great hygiene from the male fragrance of Bolce and Gabbana colon ad, which indicate men’s to be sexual object to attract the opposite sex. Matthew Mcconaughey is the male model being demonstrate in the ad to indicate the sexual appeal of neatness, the soft man and the wondrous hygiene of the male fragrance for the male gender. In this ad the male model is shown posing in front of the blank background to show a comfort environment for the model and to give a better sexual appeal look in order to lurk in women and men. These three quality of neatness, the soft man, and the fragrance divine smell in this ad represent what it mean’s to be the sexual object of this advisement.

The main quality of being masculine of the sexual object towards women and gay men for the Bolce and Gabbana ad is to be neat. In the ad, the male model Matthew Macconaughey is shown as the neat man who wants to get the viewers of the ad attention. Matthew is shown in the advisement in a black and white suit with a black bow-tie. His hand is grabbing the bow-tie so that it doesn’t fall off or out of place. This signify how Matthew wants to look good and be the sexual object in the ad. Susan Bordo wrote in her book, "beauty (re)discovers the male body", saying “Male grooming products too are often marketed by way of “action hero” euphemisms which obscure their relation to feminine versions of the same product (a male girdle marketed by BodySlimmers is called the Double Agent Boxer) and the fact that their function is to enhance a man’s appearance: hair spray as “hair control,” exfoliating liquid as “scruffing lotion,” astringents as “scrubs,” moisturizers and fragrances as “after” or ‘pre’ accompaniments to that most manly of rituals, the shave”(pg 196). This mean both males and females ad were advised to bring attraction of the opposite sex by posing in a sexual matter to draw the viewers attention. These ads were posted in order to help the same gender rather it be for males or females to bring attraction towards the opposite sex. Rather than bring sexual thoughts to the opposite gender. Men masculinity became a factor instantly to other males who look at the ad showing a male model. It gives other men hope and pride. Since, it gives other males the idea to imitate his look so they could be the sexual object to attract women as well. If the men become the neatness male like the model, then having trouble with finding a women isn’t too hard for most guys. If they could dress and appear casual and sexy as women calls them, then attracting women and being a man gets easier for them to get with someone. Whether that someone be a straight women or non-straight men. Even though looking neat is a main factor and important in being the sexual object to women, another role the ad shows is the soft man as the next factor to being sexual object to a women or gay man.

Another main quality of being the masculine men is being the soft man. In the ad, the male model is shown posing in a way that neither a “Rock” or “Leaner” according to Susan Bordo article “The Beauty of the Male Body“. But, Matthew is in fact posing as the soft man. He stands straighten up looking forward with the idea he look good in his standing pose. The way he poses shows he is confident and grateful without showing any signs of flexing out muscles or showing his bare naked chest. The model show his smile to let us know he is very comfortable standing as the soft man, rather than show his toughness by revealing his naked body. The way the model poses draws the attention to other men who want to be confident and have a sense of pride towards how they would look posing. If men could obtain the ability to poses in a soft man than the sexual object of the women and gay men will take place. A Women and gay men would want to be with you. Men’s who poses as a soft man would start building confident in themselves and be capable of communication and socialize with women or gay men. This would slowly lead into an attraction between the two. Eventually, leading to the men being a sexual object and soon it would lead into sexual activity. Posing as the soft male is required to being men masculine, but the main factor to leading to a men as sexual object is the wondrous of hygiene.

The most important quality in men being the sexual object is hygiene. In the ad with Matthew Mcconaughey, he is shown in the advisement for a new fragrance colon by Dolce and Gabbana. The ad show the colon in a grey glass bottle with black top posted at the right corner of the model. The colon demonstrates the idea of sexual object toward men and there need for improvement to hygiene. The ad with Matthew Mcconaughey shows that the colon is used on the model so to give him a great divine smell when people come to approach him. This ad with the fragrance indicate that the model has the colon and has obtain great hygiene by receiving a wonderful smell surrounding him. This colon shows that this fragrance can give men the hope to catch women or gay men attention. If men were to obtain this fragrance colon than attraction and attention of women and gay men would be 100% possible. Since, fragrance colon is a way to obtain great hygiene for men. The colon gives a wonderful smell in the person surrounding that will cause a women or gay men to notice men. Since, the colon gives a smell that provides great hygiene it would provide men with a strong attraction. Women’s and gay men’s would flirt with men or even date them. This eventually leading to sexually activity as well. The better a man has good hygiene by the fragrance the more likely the men would obtain a women or gay men in there life. Hygiene is what brings the idea of men as sexual object into place. It bring it into place simply, because it is what most girls or gay men look for in a man before attraction and before performing sexual activities.

Men’s simply are advised as a sexual appearance when it comes to being neat, being the soft man, and having great hygiene. These are the three main quality for men to be sexual object are the three aspect that needs to be obtain by men in order to relieve the attention or physical attraction of the female gender. The meaning of being a man is put into question, if there could obtain one of these three main quality to being seen as a sex object by women or gay men. If men like Matthew Mcconaughey could obtain these three quality of become a sex object, then any men could do the same and be seen as a sexual beast. Men just need to work hard and work there way to obtain these three aspect to become known as male's Masculine.

Cited Page
Bordo, Susan. The Male Body. Beauty (Re)discovers the Male Body. New York: 1999. Print.


  1. This is an interesting analysis of the Dolce & Gabbana ad and how it portrays a certain type of masculinity. But 'male masculine' is unclear and does not reflect a type? Male simply means man. So what is man masculinity? You discuss neatness, softness and hygiene in your paper, so what type of masculinity do these characteristics define? Also, you need to PROOFREAD your work, either read it out loud to yourself or to somebody else, just like we did in class with the introductions on Monday. Specifically, pay attention to spelling and subject verb agreement. Lastly, your work cited page is a nice start, but remember we are documenting the chapter, not the book.

  2. I indicate the type of masculinity of men by saying men are the sexual object being portray in ads. my these states that men are found as the sexual object by the three main points of neatness, softness, and hygiene. I add it to help people locate the masculinity that I'm telling as man being the sexual object/appeal in my new and improve thesis. Hopefully, I could manage to fix these few mistakes by tomorrow. Also, tonight i will approve the work cited page as well.
