Thursday, October 28, 2010

Research Paper Outline

Wai Sing Lam
October 27, 2010

Research Paper Outline

Preliminary Thesis: Men hope to be the more dominated gender by focusing on their physical appearance and by showing off their strong and confident personality, have led to the shorter life span of men that causes high death rate, men's demand to apply sexual appeal, men lack of superiority well being toward themselves, the potential health risks men face, the lack to make the right decision for men health, and the demand for body changes, has many men lack of concern for their own health, because it is seen as an unmanly like thing men should be worry about.

I. Shorter life span.
A. unable body men wants more medical help.
B. able body men focus on being more muscular, while at the time seek less
medical assistant.
C. quotation from article page 102 or 103.

Analysis: This allow men to be reluctant in seeking professional help even when men and women have equality to receive medical help to help maintain men dignity.

II. Demand for sexual appeal to risk more likely of STI possibilities
A. being built means being the sexual subject or test when it comes to sexual intercourse.
B. Focus on well built body that led to attraction by female that leads to men risking potential STI.
C. quotation from book page 67-68.

Analysis: men lack to seek for health or professional help leads to potential sexual transmitted infections like Hiv or Aids.

III. lack well being at a young to and full time man.
A. Young men focus on being tough, strong, and taking big risk in life rather than focusing on health.
B. Men are focus on jobs and sports after childhood is over and will only show signs of worrying about their health if it doesn't allow them to look weak in other men eyes.
C. Quotation from article page 102.

Analysis: Men start out already given a future plan on the day of their born. Men's already show lack of health and the path men take are dangerous and will lead into minor to severe health injuries and risk.

IV. Potential health risk men could face overtime.
A. Men fought in dangerous wars to show off their power, thus leading to potential illness after a few year services that include: itching, rashes, pains, etc.
B. During war's, men face dangerous obstacles and attack from enemy leading to hurtful bones, rashes, and damaged or missing body parts.
C. Susie Karshaw describes potential health risk due to lack of men masculine to ignore it in her book, Impotent warriors Gulf War syndrome, vulnerability and masculinity saying, "He wanted it to be read and wanted others to make sense of it; indeed, he suggested that he would be willing to undergo an invasive internal exam in order to discover the secrets his body holds." (page 72).

Analysis: Men doing dangerous task since as skateboarding and being part of the army gives many men potential injured and risks. Men particularly has potential risk, but lack to worry about it till after they lose an arm or leg or are close to death.

V. Men showing very low interest in taking care of themselves.
A. Men seek more likely to take up on drugs and more likely to end up killing themselves.
B. At a small age men can compress to hide their emotions and feeling to prevent themselves to be characterized as a weakling among they fellow men's.
C. Quotation from article page 166 or 167.

Analysis: Men's taking drugs and their desire to hide they emotional side leads the male gender into a stage that could lead to something bad. whether it be jail or even death. Some consider drugs as the answer to life problem without realizing their is physical and mental help to cure men of these illness and desires.

VI. Men physical appearance demands for improvement.
A. Quotation of article starts from bottom of page 335.
B. Men's solely focus on losing weight for physical appearance only to be involved in sports and other man built activities.
C. Men are unhappy about their certain bodies, mostly because their are the victim of being picked on by bullies.

Analysis: Men's solely focus less on health, so that their could be muscular fit. To obtain power to overpower those who had seek to attack or hurt them. Men's focus less on health in order to help particular in sports for a good school or for the ability to overcome their bullies if it is the case. Men wants the power to dominate.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Midterm Preparation

Venn Diagram

Reading #1 Author: Manning Marriable
Title: “The Black Male: Searching Beyond Stereotypes”

- Black men's were focus to be the white men
protector of their land from any enemies who seek

- Black men's were given jobs to be slaves and
servants working in a plantation with white overseer's

- Black men's fight for freedom and equality to be treated
Equally and given the equal benefits of a white man.

- The Civil War took place and Black men's they lost power in they own family.
Were given the chance to fight against slavery, as they
Were allow to fight in the war.

- Jobs were given to Black men's but only a few
Allow them to work, since the community was still
Following segregation laws that separated blacks other people
Or were destroyed. Most white
And whites. Unemployment for Black men's increased.
- Black men's turn to crime to deal drugs and
Alcohol to help support their families. Thus, allowing
Black men's to go to jail more often and suicide is most likely.

Reading #2

Author: Yen Le Espiritu

Title: “All Men Are Not Created Equal: Asian in U.S. History”

- Asian men's were immigrated from Asia
To destroy or take it away. Without a law to do meaningless work at low paid.

- Asian men were immigrated into the U.S. to watching over them. Do “Womanlike” work so that white women don't have to.

- Asian male's shows no sign of
Rebellion for freedom as they just do what is asked of them.

- When the Civil War happen Asian men's weren't allow to fight in the war, instead
they were put as servants for U.S. Soldiers.

-Asian men's lost everything they owned so white men only hired women, because they would work for less money, even if the men was more qualified.

- Asian men could not provide for them Family. So, the wife and the son of the Asian men became the provider as they seek jobs to help provide the family.


- Both Asian's and Black's men are treated unequal compared to benefits as a white man.
- Both Asian men and Black men were forced to be slaves and servants to white men and white women.
-Both Asian and Black men are focus to doing degrading jobs that are given with very low paid of money, because white men and women are unwilling to do these tasks.

- Both Asian and Black men end up with very low confident and self esteem about they power and position in a white society.

- Both Black and Asian men want to obtain money for their families, even if they are meant do work for white men.

- Both Black and Asian men would get the chance to obtain better jobs, after the civil war, but they were paid very low money compare to white men.

- Both Asian Men and Black men were the ones, who made the money to provider for they family.

Work Cited
Marriable, Manning. “The Black Male: Searching Beyond Stereotypes.” Men’s Lives. 5th ed.
Michael S. Kimmel, Michael A. Messner. Allyn and Beacon. New York. (2001) 17-23.

Espiritu, Yen Le. “All Men Are Not Created Equal: Asian in U.S. History.” Men’s Lives. 5th
ed. Michael S. Kimmel, Michael A. Messner. Allyn and Beacon. New York. (2001)

Friday, October 15, 2010

Annotated bibliography

Wai Sing Lam
October 15, 2010
Annotated bibliography

Preliminary Thesis: Men hope to be the more dominated gender by focusing on their physical appearance and by showing off their strong and confident personality, have led to the shorter life span of men that causes high death rate, men's demand to apply sexual appeal, men lack of superiority well being toward themselves, the potential health risks men face, the lack to make the right decision for men health, and the demand for body changes, has many men lack of concern for their own health, because it is seen as an unmanly like thing men should be worry about.

Banks, Ian. “Elam: Lost City Rediscovered.” Journal of Men's Health. Volume 6, Issue 2. (2009): 10- 13. Print.

In this article, Ian tells the negativity about men and they actions towards society. Ian continues mentioning how men actions and lack of health cause death to the male population. He continues to tell about how men death affects everyone around them and their surroundings. In the article, Ian argues that health towards men need to be look upon. Something has to be done to lower the death rates and improve health for men. There is sign's where he feels being known as a masculine man cause the death rate of men to increase.

This article in the Journal of Men's Health, from the March 2009 first issue is very important to my research paper. This source helps me discover why men focus less on their well being. This source is helpful in allowing me to find the type of masculinity men follow to be a man. This source will help backup my other points about the type of masculinity these articles are trying to portray about men.

This article will allow me to find a strong thesis and help me find what kind of masculinity this article is portraying towards men. This article will allow me to make a thesis that will provide me with several points to find out what masculinity is being messaged to men though me. In this article, I will develop the information I need to determine the type of masculinity being demonstrated in these articles by looking though the article itself. I would need to take some of the information from certain areas of different paragraph. I would need to take some info about health and compare it to being known as a man which is refer as being masculine. Like if health is something men found as being a male thing to be focus on.

Darko, Natalie. “Get up, Shut Up and Stop Being a Fanny”: Rugby Union men and their suppression of body anxiety.” Journal of Men's Health. Volume 6, Issue 4. (2009): 331-337. Print.

In this article, Natalie describes men’s as one that concern only about their size of their body and the way they need to be muscularly built to be a man. Natalie talks about the dissatisfaction of overweight or underweight people. She talks about how men work to satisfy their body. How body anxiety of men plays a huge role and what it means for men to take part in sport activity. Her article keeps on mentioning how people only desire and motivation to losing weight is to be muscular built. Most, men are focus on being tall figure and having muscles in order to take part in sport activities and show off they body to people.

This article is part of the story in, Journal in Men’s Health, in the December 2009 issue of the magazine. The subject in this article shows men and how they focus on they body. This source will help me discover what type of man men are when it comes to showing off body features. This source is useful in helping me bring up a good point when I start my first draft about men and they inspirational man plan. This source is very helpful in allowing me to bring up a good point about what motivation men have for change.

What comes to mind when reading this article is the fact men are being muscular built not for themselves, but for a purpose or goal of showing off. Masculinity is being found as being a man as much as possible. Men want muscles to be masculine enough so they could be seen as a real man. Some men are not satisfy with their weight and they want to be muscular built too, because they want to be seen as a man as well. This article will help me identify a strong potential thesis for indicating what kind of masculinity men look for if it’s all about having a great body or muscular built. In this article I plan on talking about how the body features help men become a man. I will be providing information from the reading and potential quotes from the article to help back up my point about being a man.

Holter, Oystein. “Men, Gender and Health 2009-the Norwegian View.” Journal of Men's Health. Volume 6, Issue 1. (2009): 101-104. Print.

In this article, Oystein describes men equality in life and with health benefit equality as well. Oystein continues talking about how health problems would now be fixed as equality for health plans were given to all men of different race. Then, Oystein argue that even with the benefits of equality for health care very few found it needed to seek any medical help. Only those who were not able bodied saw for professional health help and wanted less to be the muscular man. Many able bodies found it unneeded to have health care help even with the chance to obtain equal help.

This article from Journal of Men's Health, from the June 2009 issue two, shows a very good point in my research paper. This source will enable me to find the the type of masculinity that is being portray in this article. This article would allow me to find equality rights for men who wants to show masculinity as a couple thing and not a solo parent. This article is useful for me in finding the relationship bond between a father and they child. This will lead me into knowing the masculinity that is being shown in the article in my upcoming paper.

This article allows me to talk about how men taking responsibility of raising a children will be a masculinity thing to do. Using this source I will be able to come up with the main points and a strong thesis that will combine the information from each article that I'm using. The information seem helpful in this articles talks about equality in life and health. Also, how men want to be able to have the equal right as women have. I will provided details from the article that mentions about men family relation and they hope for health to prevent men parental leave from the child according to the article. I will provide info about how parenting is a key point to being seen as a man.

Campbell, Bruce. “The Success of Men's Educational Group Appointments.” Journal of Men's Health. Volume 6, Issue 3. (2009): 166-168. Print.

In this article, Bruce describes the negative part of how men are and what actions they take. He tell about how men are most likely the ones to abuse drugs and cause suicides to happen more. Bruce continues to mention about how health risk take affects and how men should focus more about they health to reduce lower death rates. His article continues to argue about how men should focus more about they health than ever before. The article continue to talk about how men are put in a program to better communicate themselves with their fellow men. The communication between all the men led them all into a strong connection about the importance of being healthy. This would eventually shows men how health doesn't affect the man masculinity identity.

This article from the Journal of Men's Health of the September 2009 issue, helps me see the type of masculinity men follow. Its issues a masculinity that men should follow to be truly seen as a man who wants to make something of his life. This article is useful in helping me create a stronger point of what kind of men masculinity men follow. This article will help me make a powerful point to back up what actions men take or thinks about. It helps me uncover why men take action the way they do.

This article will allow me to help built a stronger thesis for my paper. It will allow me to give another main point about the type of masculinity the article is portraying about the male gender. In the article, I will use information from certain paragraph and section of the article. Then, I will compare the information I used to what kind of masculinity that is being said. Like, what the article is telling me about how men are and act to be that kind certain type of masculinity.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Men's Masculinity Final Draft

October 8th, 2010
Male Masculinity Final Draft

Men these days are seen all around the world in television ad’s, newspaper ads, or magazine ads. Men in these ad’s are seen posing half naked to show off they naked body, while other men are shown posing for a product or piece of clothing, so that they could look good doing it and bring on some sexual appeal. These are the men who have a good idea of neatness, the soft man, and have great hygiene which is required in order to be a man. These are the examples of what men do in ads and this is consider to be portray as men being the sexual object. This is what modern day society calls men masculinity. What exactly is men masculinity? Men masculinity is when men focus solely on being neat and on being the soft man, while looking clean and having great hygiene from the male fragrance of Bolce and Gabbana colon ad, which indicate men to be seen as the sexual object to attract the opposite sex. Matthew Mcconaughey is the male model being demonstrate in the ad to indicate the sexual appeal of neatness, the soft man and the wondrous hygiene of the male fragrance for the male gender. In this ad the male model is shown posing in front of the blank background to show a comfort environment for the model and to give a better sexual appeal look in order to lurk in women and men. These three quality of neatness, the soft man, and the fragrance divine smell in this ad represent what it mean’s to be the sexual object of this advisement.

The main quality of being the masculine man is shown as the sexual object towards women and gay men for the Bolce and Gabbana ad is to be neat. In the ad, the male model Matthew Macconaughey is seen as the neat man who wants to get the viewers of the ad attention. Matthew is shown in the advisement in a black and white suit with a black bow-tie. His hand is grabbing the bow-tie so that it doesn’t fall off or out of place. This signify how Matthew wants to look good and be the sexual object in the ad. Susan Bordo wrote in her book, "beauty (re)discovers the male body", saying “Male grooming products too are often marketed by way of “action hero” euphemisms which obscure their relation to feminine versions of the same product (a male girdle marketed by BodySlimmers is called the Double Agent Boxer) and the fact that their function is to enhance a man’s appearance: hair spray as “hair control,” exfoliating liquid as “scruffing lotion,” astringents as “scrubs,” moisturizers and fragrances as “after” or ‘pre’ accompaniments to that most manly of rituals, the shave”(pg 196). This mean both men and women ad were advised to bring attraction of the opposite sex by posing in a sexual matter to draw the viewers attention. These ad’s were posted in order to help the same gender rather it be for a man or women to bring attraction towards the opposite sex. Then, allowing men and women to bring sexual thoughts to the opposite gender. Men masculinity become a factor instantly to other men who look at the ad showing a man model. It gives other men hope and pride. Since, it gives other men the idea to imitate his look, so that they could be the sexual object to attract women as well. If men, become the neatness man like the model in the ad, then having trouble with finding a women isn’t too hard for most guys. If they could dress and appear casual and sexy as women calls them, then attracting women and being a man gets easier for them to get with someone. Whether, that someone be a straight women or gay man. Even though, looking neat is a main factor and important in being the sexual object to women, another role the ad shows is the soft man as the next factor to being sexual object to a women or gay man.

Another main quality of being a masculine man is being the soft man. In the ad, the male model is shown posing in a way that neither a “Rock” or “Leaner”(186-193) according to Susan Bordo article “The Beauty of the Male Body“. But, Matthew is in fact posing as the soft man. He stands straighten up looking forward with the idea that, he looks good in his pose. The way he poses shows, he is confident and grateful without showing any signs of flexing out muscles or showing his bare naked chest. The man model show his smile to let us know he is very comfortable standing as the soft man, rather than show his toughness by revealing his naked body. The way the model poses draws the attention to other men who want to be confident and have a sense of pride towards how they would look posing. If men could obtain the ability to pose in a soft man than they too could be seen as the sexual object for the women and gay men. A women and gay men would want to be with you. Men’s who poses as a soft man would start building confident in themselves and be capable of communication and socializing with women or gay men. This would slowly lead into an attraction between the man and women. Eventually, leading to the men being a sexual object and soon it would lead into sexual activity. Posing as the soft man is required to being men masculine, but the main factor to leading to a man as sexual object is the wondrous of hygiene.

The most important quality in men being the sexual object is hygiene. In the ad with Matthew Mcconaughey, he is seen in the advisement for a new fragrance colon by Dolce and Gabbana. This ad show the colon in a grey glass bottle with black top posted at the right corner of the man model. The colon demonstrates the idea of sexual object toward men and there need for improvement to hygiene. The ad with Matthew Mcconaughey shows that the colon is used on the man model, so that it give him the great divine smell when people come to approach him. This ad with the fragrance indicates that the man model has the colon and has obtained great hygiene by receiving a wonderful smell surrounding him. This colon indicates that this fragrance can give men the hope they desire to catch women or gay men attention. If men were to obtain this fragrance colon than attraction and attention of women and gay men would be 100% possible. Since, fragrance colon is a way to obtain great hygiene for men. The colon gives a wonderful smell in the person surrounding that will cause a women or gay men to notice them. Since, the colon gives a smell that provides great hygiene it would provide men with a strong attraction. Women’s and gay men’s would flirt with men or even date them. Eventually, this leads to sexually activity between the man and women. The better a man has good hygiene by the fragrance the more likely the men will obtain a women or gay men in they life. Hygiene is what brings the idea of men as sexual object into place. It bring it into place simply, because it is what most women or gay men look for in a man before attraction and before performing sexual activities process begin.

Men’s simply are advised as a sexual item, when it comes to being neat, being the soft man, and having great hygiene. These are the three main qualities for men to be sexual object and are the three aspects that are required to be obtained by men in order to relieve the attention or physical attraction of the female gender. The meaning of being a man is put into question, if there could obtain one of these three main aspects to being seen as a sex object by women or gay men. If men like Matthew Mcconaughey could obtain these three qualities of become a sex object, and then any men could do the same and be seen as a sexual beast. Men just need to work hard and work they way up, to obtain these three aspects to become known as a man.
Works Cited
Bordo, Susan. “Beauty (Re)discovers the Male Body“. The Male Body New York: Farrar, Straus
and Giroux1999 186-193, 196. Print.
Dolce and Gabbana Ad. Men’s Health. (2010): Print.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

October 1st, 2010
Male Masculinity Final Draft

Men these days are seen all around the world in television ad’s, newspaper ads, or magazine ads. Men in these ad’s are seen posing half naked to show off they naked body, while other men are shown posing for a product or piece of clothing, so that they could look good doing it and bring on some sexual appeal. These are the men who have a good idea of neatness, the soft man, and have great hygiene which is required in order to be a man. These are the examples of what men do in ads and this is consider to be portray as men being the sexual object. This is what is called men masculinity. What exactly is men masculinity? Men masculinity is when men focus solely on being neat and on being the soft man, while looking clean and having great hygiene from the male fragrance of Bolce and Gabbana colon ad, which indicate men to be seen as the sexual object to attract the opposite sex. Matthew Mcconaughey is the male model being demonstrate in the ad to indicate the sexual appeal of neatness, the soft man and the wondrous hygiene of the male fragrance for the male gender. In this ad the male model is shown posing in front of the blank background to show a comfort environment for the model and to give a better sexual appeal look in order to lurk in women and men. These three quality of neatness, the soft man, and the fragrance divine smell in this ad represent what it mean’s to be the sexual object of this advisement.

The main quality of being the masculine man is shown as the sexual object towards women and gay men for the Bolce and Gabbana ad is to be neat. In the ad, the male model Matthew Macconaughey is seen as the neat man who wants to get the viewers of the ad attention. Matthew is shown in the advisement in a black and white suit with a black bow-tie. His hand is grabbing the bow-tie so that it doesn’t fall off or out of place. This signify how Matthew wants to look good and be the sexual object in the ad. Susan Bordo wrote in her book, "beauty (re)discovers the male body", saying “Male grooming products too are often marketed by way of “action hero” euphemisms which obscure their relation to feminine versions of the same product (a male girdle marketed by BodySlimmers is called the Double Agent Boxer) and the fact that their function is to enhance a man’s appearance: hair spray as “hair control,” exfoliating liquid as “scruffing lotion,” astringents as “scrubs,” moisturizers and fragrances as “after” or ‘pre’ accompaniments to that most manly of rituals, the shave”(pg 196). This mean both men and women ad were advised to bring attraction of the opposite sex by posing in a sexual matter to draw the viewers attention. These ad’s were posted in order to help the same gender rather it be for a man or women to bring attraction towards the opposite sex. Rather than, bring sexual thoughts to the opposite gender. Men masculinity became a factor instantly to other men who look at the ad showing a man model. It gives other men hope and pride. Since, it gives other men the idea to imitate his look, so that they could be the sexual object to attract women as well. If men, become the neatness man like the model in the ad, then having trouble with finding a women isn’t too hard for most guys. If they could dress and appear casual and sexy as women calls them, then attracting women and being a man gets easier for them to get with someone. Whether that someone be a straight women or non-straight men. Even though, looking neat is a main factor and important in being the sexual object to women, another role the ad shows is the soft man as the next factor to being sexual object to a women or gay man.

Another main quality of being a masculine men is being the soft man. In the ad, the male model is shown posing in a way that neither a “Rock” or “Leaner” according to Susan Bordo article “The Beauty of the Male Body“. But, Matthew is in fact posing as the soft man. He stands straighten up looking forward with the idea that, he look good in his pose. The way he pose shows, he is confident and grateful without showing any signs of flexing out muscles or showing his bare naked chest. The man model show his smile to let us know he is very comfortable standing as the soft man, rather than show his toughness by revealing his naked body. The way the model pose draws the attention to other men who want to be confident and have a sense of pride towards how they would look posing. If men could obtain the ability to pose in a soft man than they too could be seen as the sexual object for the women and gay men. A women and gay men would want to be with you. Men’s who poses as a soft man would start building confident in themselves and be capable of communication and socializing with women or gay men. This would slowly lead into an attraction between the two. Eventually, leading to the men being a sexual object and soon it would lead into sexual activity. Posing as the soft man is required to being men masculine, but the main factor to leading to a men as sexual object is the wondrous of hygiene.

The most important quality in men being the sexual object is hygiene. In the ad with Matthew Mcconaughey, he is seen in the advisement for a new fragrance colon by Dolce and Gabbana. This ad show the colon in a grey glass bottle with black top posted at the right corner of the man model. The colon demonstrates the idea of sexual object toward men and there need for improvement to hygiene. The ad with Matthew Mcconaughey shows that the colon is used on the man model, so that it give him the great divine smell when people come to approach him. This ad with the fragrance indicate that the man model has the colon and has obtain great hygiene by receiving a wonderful smell surrounding him. This colon indicates that this fragrance can give men the hope they desire to catch women or gay men attention. If men were to obtain this fragrance colon than attraction and attention of women and gay men would be 100% possible. Since, fragrance colon is a way to obtain great hygiene for men. The colon gives a wonderful smell in the person surrounding that will cause a women or gay men to notice them. Since, the colon gives a smell that provides great hygiene it would provide men with a strong attraction. Women’s and gay men’s would flirt with men or even date them. This eventually leading to sexually activity as well. The better a man has good hygiene by the fragrance the more likely the men will obtain a women or gay men in they life. Hygiene is what brings the idea of men as sexual object into place. It bring it into place simply, because it is what most women or gay men look for in a man before attraction and before performing sexual activities process begin.

Men’s simply are advised as a sexual item, when it comes to being neat, being the soft man, and having great hygiene. These are the three main quality for men to be sexual object and are the three aspect that is required to be obtained by men in order to relieve the attention or physical attraction of the female gender. The meaning of being a man is put into question, if there could obtain one of these three main aspects to being seen as a sex object by women or gay men. If men like Matthew Mcconaughey could obtain these three quality of become a sex object, then any men could do the same and be seen as a sexual beast. Men just need to work hard and work they way up, to obtain these three aspect to become known as a man.

Cited Page
Bordo, Susan. “Beauty (Re)discovers the Male Body“. New York: pg. 186 193,196.
1999. Print.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Men's Masculinity Final Draft.

October 1st, 2010
Male Masculinity Final Draft

Males these days are seen all around the world in television ad’s, newspaper ads, or magazine ads. This is what is called male masculinity. What exactly is male masculinity? Male masculinity is when men’s focus solely on being a neat and soft man while having a very clean and great hygiene from the male fragrance of Bolce and Gabbana colon ad, which indicate men’s to be sexual object to attract the opposite sex. Matthew Mcconaughey is the male model being demonstrate in the ad to indicate the sexual appeal of neatness, the soft man and the wondrous hygiene of the male fragrance for the male gender. In this ad the male model is shown posing in front of the blank background to show a comfort environment for the model and to give a better sexual appeal look in order to lurk in women and men. These three quality of neatness, the soft man, and the fragrance divine smell in this ad represent what it mean’s to be the sexual object of this advisement.

The main quality of being masculine of the sexual object towards women and gay men for the Bolce and Gabbana ad is to be neat. In the ad, the male model Matthew Macconaughey is shown as the neat man who wants to get the viewers of the ad attention. Matthew is shown in the advisement in a black and white suit with a black bow-tie. His hand is grabbing the bow-tie so that it doesn’t fall off or out of place. This signify how Matthew wants to look good and be the sexual object in the ad. Susan Bordo wrote in her book, "beauty (re)discovers the male body", saying “Male grooming products too are often marketed by way of “action hero” euphemisms which obscure their relation to feminine versions of the same product (a male girdle marketed by BodySlimmers is called the Double Agent Boxer) and the fact that their function is to enhance a man’s appearance: hair spray as “hair control,” exfoliating liquid as “scruffing lotion,” astringents as “scrubs,” moisturizers and fragrances as “after” or ‘pre’ accompaniments to that most manly of rituals, the shave”(pg 196). This mean both males and females ad were advised to bring attraction of the opposite sex by posing in a sexual matter to draw the viewers attention. These ads were posted in order to help the same gender rather it be for males or females to bring attraction towards the opposite sex. Rather than bring sexual thoughts to the opposite gender. Men masculinity became a factor instantly to other males who look at the ad showing a male model. It gives other men hope and pride. Since, it gives other males the idea to imitate his look so they could be the sexual object to attract women as well. If the men become the neatness male like the model, then having trouble with finding a women isn’t too hard for most guys. If they could dress and appear casual and sexy as women calls them, then attracting women and being a man gets easier for them to get with someone. Whether that someone be a straight women or non-straight men. Even though looking neat is a main factor and important in being the sexual object to women, another role the ad shows is the soft man as the next factor to being sexual object to a women or gay man.

Another main quality of being the masculine men is being the soft man. In the ad, the male model is shown posing in a way that neither a “Rock” or “Leaner” according to Susan Bordo article “The Beauty of the Male Body“. But, Matthew is in fact posing as the soft man. He stands straighten up looking forward with the idea he look good in his standing pose. The way he poses shows he is confident and grateful without showing any signs of flexing out muscles or showing his bare naked chest. The model show his smile to let us know he is very comfortable standing as the soft man, rather than show his toughness by revealing his naked body. The way the model poses draws the attention to other men who want to be confident and have a sense of pride towards how they would look posing. If men could obtain the ability to poses in a soft man than the sexual object of the women and gay men will take place. A Women and gay men would want to be with you. Men’s who poses as a soft man would start building confident in themselves and be capable of communication and socialize with women or gay men. This would slowly lead into an attraction between the two. Eventually, leading to the men being a sexual object and soon it would lead into sexual activity. Posing as the soft male is required to being men masculine, but the main factor to leading to a men as sexual object is the wondrous of hygiene.

The most important quality in men being the sexual object is hygiene. In the ad with Matthew Mcconaughey, he is shown in the advisement for a new fragrance colon by Dolce and Gabbana. The ad show the colon in a grey glass bottle with black top posted at the right corner of the model. The colon demonstrates the idea of sexual object toward men and there need for improvement to hygiene. The ad with Matthew Mcconaughey shows that the colon is used on the model so to give him a great divine smell when people come to approach him. This ad with the fragrance indicate that the model has the colon and has obtain great hygiene by receiving a wonderful smell surrounding him. This colon shows that this fragrance can give men the hope to catch women or gay men attention. If men were to obtain this fragrance colon than attraction and attention of women and gay men would be 100% possible. Since, fragrance colon is a way to obtain great hygiene for men. The colon gives a wonderful smell in the person surrounding that will cause a women or gay men to notice men. Since, the colon gives a smell that provides great hygiene it would provide men with a strong attraction. Women’s and gay men’s would flirt with men or even date them. This eventually leading to sexually activity as well. The better a man has good hygiene by the fragrance the more likely the men would obtain a women or gay men in there life. Hygiene is what brings the idea of men as sexual object into place. It bring it into place simply, because it is what most girls or gay men look for in a man before attraction and before performing sexual activities.

Men’s simply are advised as a sexual appearance when it comes to being neat, being the soft man, and having great hygiene. These are the three main quality for men to be sexual object are the three aspect that needs to be obtain by men in order to relieve the attention or physical attraction of the female gender. The meaning of being a man is put into question, if there could obtain one of these three main quality to being seen as a sex object by women or gay men. If men like Matthew Mcconaughey could obtain these three quality of become a sex object, then any men could do the same and be seen as a sexual beast. Men just need to work hard and work there way to obtain these three aspect to become known as male's Masculine.

Cited Page
Bordo, Susan. The Male Body. Beauty (Re)discovers the Male Body. New York: 1999. Print.

Friday, October 1, 2010


October 1st, 2010

Male Masculinity First Draft

Males these days are seen all around the world in television ad’s, newspaper ads, or magazine ads. This is what is called Male Masculinity. What exactly does it does to be be male masculine. Well I’m here to tell you what it means to be male masculine or what it means to be a man. Men Masculinity is a male soul focus on being a clean, classy, neat man that show no sign of fear or intimidation while at the same time has a very clean and gazzling smell that draw the attraction of the opposite sex. There is one male out there that defines the definition of this male masculnility character and he is Matthew Mcconaughey. His character follows the definition of being a man very effective by the key of neatness, superior standing position, and a very wonderious smell Fragance that will be out there to die for. In this ad alone I’m here to show the three main quality of being male masculine, by using a male model to protrait the male masculine behavior in men.

The main quality of men masculinity is being a well groomed, organize, neat man who signify the class of being more superior than other men. In a male ad, the male model Matthew Macconaughey show the class of being a well groomed, organized, neat man who shows sign of being superior or better over others. In this ad the male masculinity is put into test, when the ad shows how the male modal is being display. Matthew is shown in the following ad in a black and white suit with a black bow-tie. His hand is grabbing the bow-tie so that it doesn’t fall off or out of place. This signify how Matthew wants to look good and organized like what its means to be truly men masculine. Men masculinity became a factor the instant other males took a look at this ad. It demonstrate the masculinity of what it means to be a man. Since, it bought the attention of the thousands of potential viewers and it made other men follow the step of Matthew, so they too could be masculine by doing and dressing like Matthew in the ad. This is the keypoint to being a real man if it draws the attention and attraction of the female gender. Even though glooming, looking neat, organized is a main factor in defining men masculinity another role this ad signify to masculinity is the facial expression the male model is shown in the ad.

Another main quality of the male masculinity is the standing position that is advised in the ad. In the ad, the male model is shown standing in a position that neither show a “Rock” or “Leaner” according to Susan Bordo article about men masculinity. But, the model stand in a more soft good boy confident position. Where, he stand straight up looking forward with a smile on his face. This shows a sign of confident, pride, and superior over others.The way the male model stand is definition of what men masculinity is, because it draws woman’s attraction knowing that they could get the women without having to try so hard to be someone or something they are not. The way the model stand also draw attention to males who want to be confident and have a sense of pride and superiority to attract and get with women. If males could stand and feel confident and a set of pride, then they too could be the definition of men masculinity or be the man they always wanted to be. Standing and taking actions are two different things in what it means to be male masculine. Standing position and being confident doing it is important, but one other factor will play the quality of what it means to be a real man and that quality is the factor of how a male smell. So, pretty much the key quality is hygiene. Without that men masculinity wouldn’t be possible.

The most important quality in men masculinity is hygiene. If men have great hygiene then they will be the definition of a real man. In the ad with Matthew Mcconaughey, he is shown posing for a new fragance colon for males to purchase. This colon is in a glass bottle with black top and is posted in the right corner of the model. The colon demonstrates the male Masculinity of hygiene. If a man cant obtain a good smell then the defined of a man is toss away. Men’s need good hygiene to attract women or have people around them. Men colon are advised to help other men’s smell wonderful so they could get out there and obtain a women. This is the main point for the attraction and attention span for males to females. The men hygiene is the main factor to the road of “manliness” according to what Susan Bordo wrote about Men’s Mascunlity. Susan Bordo said in her articles saying, “Male grooming products too are often marketed by way of “action hero” euphemisms which obscure their relation to feminine versions of the same product (a male girdle marketed by BodySlimmers is called the Double Agent Boxer) and the fact that their function is to enhance a man’s appearance: hair spray as “hair control,” exfoliating liquid as “scruffing lotion,” astringents as “scrubs,” moisturizers and fragrances as “after” or ‘pre’ accompaniments to that most manly of rituals, the shave”(pg 196). This mean’t both males and females ad to bring attraction of the opposite sex by posing in a sexual matter to draw the viewers attention. These ads are posted in order to help the same gender bring attraction towards the opposite sex. Rather than bring sexual thoughts to the opposite gender.

In conclusion, the third main points in a man to being male masculine is the ability to obtain neatness, to show a good boy confidence charm, and the best hygiene you could ever obtain. These are the three goals men's need to obtain the attention and the physical and non physical attraction of the female gender. The meaning of being a man is put into question, if they can't obtain one of these three points to reach what people have called as manliness. If men's like Matthew Mcconaughey could obtain these three things to become labeled as men Masculine, then any men could do the same and be a real man. Males just need to work hard and work they way to obtain these three qualities to become known as male's Masculinity.