Friday, November 19, 2010

Annotated Bibliography Research Paper #2

Wai Sing Lam
November 18th,2010

Annotated Bibliography Research Paper# 12

Preliminary Thesis: Men need each other to create a heterosexual bond by using men as wing-man, in hopes to receive the attention and interests of available single women.

Appelbaum,Aliza. "The Dating Wing-man.Helping the Lovelorn Is All In a Day’s Work." Forward Newspaper. Forward Newspaper, 13 July 2010. Web. 20 Nov. 2010.

This article shows the usage of a gifted born talented man, who uses his power to portray a good role model. Aaron Ellner is described for his uniqueness in pair matching for men looking for that special someone. This reading brings various points that include description of how, Aaron started out as a match maker and how he has changed so much till this day. This article, describes the positive aspect of how men are good matchmakers and how experience Aaron at doing this.

In the article, from Forward Newspaper, this article allows me to understand what wing-man do. This source is indeed useful in helping me prove the point of why I agree that men need the use of wing-man and moral support for female interaction. This source is very few out of many that are reliable. The source is reliable in allowing me to see how affective a wing-man can be to obtain women. This source is objective in pointing out a goal of information about a man and the use of his wing-man ability to help other men bring attraction of women.

This online article, is useful in helping me with my upcoming research paper. This source is useful in helping me find evidence on how wing-men are a key part to female interaction. This source will enable me to back on my thesis and my argument agreement on men needing wing-men to succeed. This article will allow me to bring my agreement about men need wing-men for assistance if they can't do it themselves. This article has made me want to remain with this topic more, because I want to discover more deeply about the affective of wing-men when it comes to meeting the women face to face.

Grazian, David. "The Girl Hunt: Urban Nightlife and the Performance of Masculinity as Collective Activity." Symbolic Interaction. Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction. 30.2 (2007: 320-337. Print.

This article shows, men dominant, empowerment, social behavior and physical interest in women. This reading shows pursuit in finding different women using wing-man and grouping together as a group for unity. This article continue to talk about men desire to find the sexy women with a great personality that a lot of men want. The valid point of the reading was to tell a story about what measures and what kind of things guys do to get with women. Whether it be playing it cool or going direct into female interaction. This article is used in hopes to give examples of how young men act and do things in modern day society today.

In the article, "The Girl Hunt: Urban Nightlife and the Performance of Masculinity as Collective Activity," the author bring up very good key points. The author bring great examples about guys moral support for each other. While, at the same time the author talks about positive use of wing-men. Wing-men are seen as useful for distraction among girl pals, while the target fall for the trap. This source is useful in helping my research paper. This source is very helpful, because it is very detailed about men and their bond with other men. The source is very reliable, because it was published and it shares a point that I agree on. The point being that men do these stuff like moral support and wing-men usage to get women. It men nature to do whatever it takes to get with someone.

This source will be one of the strongest source for my research paper. This source is very helpful to me, because the source give very deep detail about men behavior in social life. Using wing-men as one of it points to backup on its affectness in the article. It will be used as one of my supporting evidence to back up my agreement on wing-men important role for men. It will be used for my research paper to help make my other support points better and to help me understand the importance of wing-men. Reading what wing-men do for guys make me want to keep finding more and more information about how good wing-men and moral support can be very helpful to people like me. It makes me want to obtain a wing-men more, because I've been searching for a little help with attraction to women.

Newman,Andrew.A. "Wing-men in the Wings." New York Times. New York Times, 25 March 2007. Web. 20 Dec, 2010.

This article shows and shares his ability to any men globally with women troubles. Mr. Mavlov is the dating coach who specialize in getting women. He uses what learned from his own experience to other men. Mr. Mavlov has used his knowledge of women to help other men globally by posting publicly about assistant to single men. The point in this article is to use a bit of information about what wing-men do and how it is shared globally to other men. This article symbolize the help of using wing-men to help men built confident towards female attraction.

In the article, from the New York Times for the 2007 issue, this online article help me see what the writer is trying to do. The writer is showing good intend by using one example of how wing-men can play affective roles to other men. This source is very useful, because it gives various viewpoint from the wing-men point and the other man the wing-man has befriend. This article to my paper, because it gives the information to support my thesis about my agreement toward men needing wing-men. It gives me a good argument towards the positive aspect of how men do well with the use of having a wing-men. This objective is Objective, because it talks about what the wing0men wants to achieve and what goal he wants for other men.

This online article helps me back up my research paper. This source allows me to use this as a supporting evidence to why wing-men is a must needed requirement. This source was very helpful in letting me know wing-men are used everywhere and daily. This source will become very handy in become one of my body paragraph and main points for my research paper. When I have fully put my evidence together it will become strong and effective in my paper. Doing study of men being wing-men and sometimes women being wing-women has allow me to find more understand of wing-men job. It makes me want to look for more information about the use of wing-men to find women.

1 comment:

  1. Based on your summaries, these are great and interesting sources which focus on men as match-makers for other men. Your documentations follow the MLA format but you do not need include the line 'this sample...' I included this in the sample I provided on the research paper handout. Please remove these lines from your annotated bibliography.
    While your thesis, documentations and summaries are on point, you need to work on the assessments and reflections. Your assessments need to illustrate why the sources you chose are valuable- do the sources contain research? are the source objective or biased? are the writers trustworthy?
    In your reflections, you need to be more specific and tell the reader what specific information from the sources you will use in your paper. This means providing specific examples and quotes.
