Friday, November 12, 2010

Research Paper 2 Proposal

Wai Sing Lam
November 12th, 2010

Research Paper # 2 Proposal

I will be providing an argument agreeing to how guys reacts in clubs to get women like in the girl hunt. I will provide statements on why I agree that guys need each other to get women. My preliminary thesis is men uses each other as wing-men and for moral support to order to receive the attention of available single women. I will provide as much information that is provided and research for my support about men sticking up and being there for each other.

Men uses and look after each other. Some men would use phrases like "bros before hoes," and so forth. Some men give each other helpful advice to help pick up women. If guys are in trouble they would help each other out by getting involved. These are some of the basic information about men and loyalty among other men.

To obtain further information about men and their pride towards each other I will research more information. I will research online information from various books and studies people have done. Then I would look through men books in the library. Other places include newspapers and magazines to see how modern day society compares to the old days if possible. This will enable me to find and study up on how different and similar guys are in newspaper or magazines compared to their were in the past. Comparing men from their young self to their older self also will allow to me find out how men develop. How men change form childhood to adulthood through connections with women or girls.

1 comment:

  1. This is a great topic as the concept of wingman, as Grazian points out in "The Girl Hunt"-this is the article you will be working with as your initial source with which your are agreeing?- came into men's discourse starting in the 80 and the movie Top Gun, and the notion of bromance is very much a part of many films and shows. Since your thesis is that men need each other in order to attract and pick up women, you should begin your research by consulting Grazian's references/works cited page. But the last part of your proposal is a bit confusing. I'm not sure why you are planning on comparing men's relationships with their friends today to those in the past? This is not part of your thesis? Please remember that this is a 3 page paper which will include 2 sources you'll find and one class reading. Therefore, the scope of your thesis cannot be broad as this will make your argument weak.
