Friday, November 5, 2010

Wedding Crashers Blog Post #8

Wai Sing Lam
November 5th,2010

Wedding Crashers Reflection

The two main character in this movie is Vince Vaughn playing as Jeremy Ryan and Owen Wilson playing as John Ryan. They are brothers in the movie who seek to obtain as many women as they can. Both men portray the stereotype that men are all tough and strong. This comes into play when both Jeremy and John attend different people wedding in order to find the most attractive and prettiest women at the wedding. They would flirt with them and ask them if they would like to dance. After, obtaining their attention they would tell them false information about what they do and who they are. This was their intention to get women into bed as both Jeremy and John seek out women as a prey for sexual activity in bed. What other things Jeremy and John would do is talk with the women family members and give them false information, so they could get the chance to built trust. So that they could be introduce to the women by their family member. Another method, both character's used was by showing false talent like physic abilities or balloon making in order to get women attention. If things didn't go too well as planned, Jeremy and John would work harder to stay on the women and their family good side in hopes to prevent them from getting into trouble or even caught about their real intention. There true goal is to sleep with the women and leave before things get too serious.

In the movie, Jeremy Ryan and Johnny Ryan are brothers that have a strong male to male connections. Where at some points their are some male to female connection as well. Both Jeremy and John have a strong bond that they do things together, where there pick up as many women's at weddings as they can. Both men look out for each other, while at the same time give each other great helpful advice on how to score with a women and what has to be done to get women into bed. In the movie, both men would argue at certain point, because they couldn't get out of a situation where two women wouldn't let them go. Both Jeremy and John have rules to follow by when it comes to getting with a girl. Rules that include flirting, telling them things that make them look tough, and never chicken out when you hit on a women. Men and female connection also, comes in the movie when John falls for this woman at a wedding and starts sharing and give false information about what he does. In hopes that the women would love him back as much as he loves her.

In the movie,"Wedding Crasher" and the article "The Girl Hunt," are both very interesting in what men do to obtain women. Both the reading and the movie share the common goal of finding the hot women with a hot body. Both the movie and the reading start their search in a crowded place whether it be a bar or a wedding. In the movie and in the reading, men search for women that has a positive and great personality. After finding a women with that great personality the reading and the movie looks for a weakness in women's in hopes of taking advantage of her in bed for sexual activity.

The movie does provide a clear and strong message toward men. The message the director is sending is to let men know that its never a good idea to lie to a women in hopes of getting as much sex as possible. The director wants men to be honest with them and to be themselves, so that they could find that special someone who would accept and love them in a special way that no one else can give you. Regardless of how people sees it as an unmanly like thing to do, don't listen to them. Being a man doesn't mean getting as many women as you can get your hands on. Even though, you are seen as a player or pimp for getting a lot of women, it isn't the right thing to do. Obtaining as much women doesn't make men a man. Being honest with them and yourself and showing them respect and how special they are is what makes men a man. Being a man is when men take action and be the one capable of finding a special women that would love you for you and not because of something your not while it be a lie or something that hides who you really are. True love is special love between two person that benefits both individuals. Men desire to have sexual intercourse with many women doesn't give men benefits, it only leads into trouble.

Work Cited

Wedding Crashers, Dir. David Dobkin. Perf.
Vince Vaughn, Owen Wilson, Rachel Mcadams. New Line Cinema, 2005. Film.

1 comment:

  1. You did a good job with the Work Cited entry for the film. The observations about the film which you present in your responses to the questions are interesting, particularly what you emphasize in your description of the wedding crashing that the two male characters engage in. You mention that the two men behave in a "tough and strong" manner at the weddings in order to win women? Really? But then you mention that they chat up the women, pretend they have psychic powers or are skilled balloon animal makers? Do these reflect 'tough and strong' masculinity? Also how do they convey to the women that they want to dominate the relationship? Lastly, in your response to the question about the ultimate message of the film, you state that true love makes 'real men.' So are men not 'real men' or somehow not masculine if they do not have one true love?
    Review your response to the questions, and compose a paragraph long reflection to the comedy.
