Friday, December 10, 2010

Blog Post# 15

Wai Sing Lam
December 10th, 2010
Class Reflection

1) What was the one assignment that was fun to do and why?

One assignment I enjoyed is acting out how men are and feel at nightclub. I enjoy acting it out, because acting is in my blood. It's something I want to do when im done with college.

2) What was the one assignment that made you learn something about something? What was that "something" you learned?

One assignment that taught me something is my research paper # 2. This assignment taught me the value of friends and how loyalty is important. It taught me a real life lesson about how much I could use a wing-man. It makes me want to go out there and find a wing-man, because I've been having trouble with the ladies like most men do.

3) What was the one assignment that you did not care for? why?

The only assignment I didn't enjoy was the "Who Cheap?" by Adair Lara. I dislike this, because the reading was way too short. I wanted to learn more about the type of men girls look for. I wanted to learn more about men being consider cheap. I wanted to see a girl's point of view, where she doesn't look at a guy for his so call cheapness.

4) Do you think, overall, Blogger was a useful tool for this class? In what ways?

Blogger was a very useful tool in this class. It helped find my sources when I needed to quote something. It helped me begin my papers and it helped me use the MLA format to structure my in-text cituations. Bloggers help me work out an effective outline before even doing the paper. Bloggers is very useful, because it allowed me to comment and read what other people wrote. I enjoyed reading and commenting back on people paper or assignment. It was quite interesting.

5.) Describe one kind of assignment or task that we did NOT do that you either did on your own (say, customizing your blog, adding gadgets), OR an assignment you would have liked to have done, or a TYPE of assignment you would have liked to have done more of?

One assignment I wish we has a chance to do was men and their relationship with family. Like I wanted to know if men do certain thins to impress family or do things different for family. I wanted to know if men act differently in front of family than they do with friends. I wanted to know what kind of relationship men tend to have with family that they can't with friends. I wanted to know if men and their family holds them back to being the type of man they want to be. I wanted to see how things would work out with men and their family at the end. I wanted to see if something will change in men behavior or well being, because they have to believe or follow family tradition.

Wing-Men Final Draft

Wai Sing Lam
December 8, 2010

Wing-Man Research Paper Final Draft

There have always been men in the world who have had trouble with picking up women. These are the men, who have experienced stress several times, where they could not find the words to say to a woman. Stress is the reason, why men need to rely on each other for help to finding a woman that all men look for. Men need each other to create a heterosexual bond by using men as wing-man, in hopes to receive the attention and interests of available single women. People need to see that men and wing-men work together as a team, where one man is giving advice and the other man take action. Heterosexual bond between men and the wing-man allows loyalty, trust, and confident to take place.

If struggling men don't look for a wing-man now, all hopes of men finding a woman is lost forever. It's important that men respect each other in a heterosexual bond of loyalty, because it allows struggling men to connect with single women in a more smoothier way. Men giving advice to other men is a way that builds a strong heterosexual bond, because guys could depend on each other when they need it. Mr Malov is a 28th year old dating coach that gives advice to struggling men, so that they could pick up women. Mr. Malov demonstrates a heterosexual bond of comfort, when he gave advice to a group of single men. In his article “Wing-men in the Wings,” Andrew A. Newman attempts to explain a heterosexual bond of agreement between two men:

"If you have an energetic personality, go out with someone more relaxed because he'll complement you more and determining who will be the wing-man and who the pilot ineach encounter. Before you approach, agree who's going to talk to the 8-on-a-scale-of-10 and who will keep the 6 entertained, and don't switch in the middle."(p.1)

This statement talks about the situation, where one of the man must decide who's going to be the wing-man and who will go after the woman. This is important, because it allows men to feel comfortable about helping and supporting each other when they pick up women. A heterosexual bond is build when two or more men look at each other to find out their next move. When both the man and the wing-man become successful, they will develop the right to bragg about their achievement in getting with a woman. Men with wing-men need great advice in order to hook-up with single women. But, another heterosexual bond men and wing-men must have is the ability to trust each other.

If men can't trust each other, then finding a woman is impossible. Men need to support each other by allowing the man to trust his wing-man. The wing-man must trust his guy friend, so that they could help each other out. The wing-man needs to take the one woman friend away from the other one woman at any cost, even if the friend is ugly or unattractive. This is a heterosexual bond of trust, because it shows how much good a friend the wing-man truly is. The wing-man must for-fill his duty to help his fellow men in achieving success, if the wing-man could successful move the girlfriend away from her buddy. This heterosexual bond between the wing-man and the other man, allows both men to trust each other when they pick up women. Two college students show a heterosexual bond, where two men show full trust with each other at a nightclub. In his article “The Girl Hunt: Urban Nightlife and the performance of Masculinity as Collective Activity” David Grazian tries to explain the popularity of wing-men action of distraction:

"As we were beginning to mobilize ourselves and move towards the dance floor, James noticed Rachel, a girl he knew from Penn who he often told me about as a potential girlfriend. Considering James was seemingly into this girl, Dan and I decided to be good wing-men and entertain Rachel's friend, Sarah."(p.330)

This statement describes a situation, where the wing-man is used to assist a friend by taking away the girl's buddy. So, that the wing-man friend could talk with the girl alone without any possible distractions. This show a heterosexual bond between men, because the use of teamwork and loyalty helps make the wing-men look good, while at the same time helps the other guy out. Men having the trust between each other, allows men to built a strong forever-lasting friendship. Both men will learn the value of friendship and loyalty from each other, when they work together to pick up women. When trust between men develops, it will allows men to feel a sense of superiority and dominate about successful finding a woman. Men need of a wing-man to distract the woman girlfriend is a strong message of trust between men. But, another main heterosexual bond that wing-men and men should share is confident.

If men don't have confident, then it will be difficult for men to find women. The wing-man must boost other men confident, before taking anymore actions. Once, men and the wing-man are on the same page, they will start to built a heterosexual bond. This heterosexual bond allows all men to feel confident with the help of a professional wing-man. Aaron Ellner is one of those professional wing-man, who is an expert in hooking up single men with women. In her article “The Dating Wing-Man: Helping the Lovelorn Is all In a Day Work the Professional Wing-Man” Aliza Appelbaum attempts to explain the professionalism of having a wing-man:

"Through his company, The Dating Wingman, he offers phone and in-person Consultations to dole out relationship advice to the lovelorn, and he holds singles events at bars in New York City about once a month. The most recent, on June 24, was geared toward people ages 21 to 31 hoping to meet that special someone."(p.1)

This statement describes Aaron Ellner as a professional matchmaker, who can hook up any man with that special someone they're after. The statement provides the service Aaron has to struggling single men looking for the special someone. This allow a heterosexual bond for the wing-man and the men, because confident will grow and allow men to feel less stressful, when trying to talk with a woman. Men with confident allows men to feel good about themselves as well as their friendship with their wing-man. Confident is important, because women could sense fear and would turn men down. Men need the heterosexual bond in order to help other men get through those tough times.

Men should have a wing-man to built their heterosexual bond with them, because it will help men boost confidence and strength toward finding women. Men seem to search for girlfriends or wives, but many have failed to achieve success. It's, because their too nervous or have no confident to tell women how they feel. Men should request the help of a wing-man to find the type of women they're after and want to be with for all eternity. The wing-man give very strong advice that I believe is accurate, clear, and very helpful in finding the type of women men desire. Wing-Men have helped many single men get with single women by being their go to guy. Wing-men are good people, because not a lot of people would take the time to help other men out with the ladies. Men should love the idea of having a go to guy to help them and make them look good. All men should get a wing-man, because they truly are the best people to go to, when guys need support and help with talking to women.

Works Cited

Appelbaum, Aliza. "The Dating Wing-man.Helping the Lovelorn Is All In a Day’s Work." Forward Newspaper. Forward Newspaper, 13 July 2010. Web. 22 Nov. 2010.

Newman, Andrew. A. "Wing-Men in the Wings." New York Times. New York Times, 25 March 2007. Web. 22 Nov. 2010.

Grazian, David. “The Girl Hunt: Urban Nightlife and the Performance of Masculinity as Collective Activity.” Men’s Lives. Michael S. Kimmel, Michael A. Messner, and Allyn & Bacon. New York. 8th edition (2010): 320-337 Print.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Wingman First Draft Revised -

Wai Sing Lam
November 27, 2010
Wing-Man Research Paper
First Draft

There have always been men in the world who have had trouble with picking up women. These are the men, who have experienced stress several times, where they could not find the words to say to a woman. Stress is the reason, why men need to rely on each other for help to finding a woman that all men look for. Men need to stick together as a group to assist their fellow men, by being their wing-man and by showing their moral support in hopes to receive the attention and interests of available single women. In the articles, "Wing-men in the Wings", "The Girl Hunt: Urban Nightlife and the Performance of Masculinity as Collective Activity", and “The Dating Wing-Man. Helping the Lovelorn Is All In a Day’s Work", describes the situation where the wing-man is both supportive and reliable in helping men find women. All men should get a wing-man, for when men lose hope about themselves, when they see a woman they like. People need to see that men and wing-men are a team, where one man is giving advice and other man must take the action when approaching a woman.

All men need the wing-man to provide them with moral support, by giving men the advice that could help attract a woman. People have wonder how wing-men are helpful in benefiting men towards finding a woman to be with. Wing-Men are men who are used to make the other guy look good when he approaches a woman. The wing-man must help the man find the right women for them, by providing helpful advice on what they need to do. The wing-man needs to tell the man what to say and what to look for in a woman. Men giving advice to other men is a way that builds a heterosexual bond between the too, where both men could depend on each other when putting up women. Mr. Malov show a heterosexual bond of comfort when giving advice to a group of single men. Andrew Adam Newman in Wing-men in the Wings claims "If you have an energetic personality, go out with someone more relaxed because he'll complement you more and determining who will be the wing-man and who the pilot in each encounter. Before you approach, agree who's going to talk to the 8-on-a-scale-of-10 and who will keep the 6 entertained, and don't switch in the middle."(p.1) Newman talks about a situation where one of the men must decide who is going to be the wing-man and who will be the one targeting the other woman. This is a key point to an effective wing-man, because it makes the other guy look good in front of the girls. Newman continues to mention that before the man approaches the woman, he must decide on who is going to be the talkative man and who is the entertaining man. If the wing-man teaches the man to be successful, he makes the man feel more superior and confident about himself. Thus, allowing the man to feel like a big-shot man by being above to hit on women with confident and success. Newman point is very important, because it allows both the wing-man and the man to build a strong bond of loyalty between the two. It allows both men to feel comfortable about helping and supporting each other when they pick up women. Even though wing-men are needed for giving great advice, another men to men bond for the wing-man is to keep the woman friend busy, while the other guy approaches and talks with the other woman.

All men need the moral support of a wing-man, so that their job to distract the woman friend could take place. Men need to support each other by allowing one man to be the wing-man so they could achieve the goal of finding that special someone for him. The wing-man must take full responsibility and look out for his friend no matter what. The wing-man must take the one woman friend away from the other one woman at any cost, even if the friend is ugly or unattractive. The wing-man must do his duty to help his fellow men in achieving success. The duty between the wing-man and the man helps build a strong heterosexual bond between the two. This heterosexual bond between the wing-man and the other man, allows both men to trust each other when they pick up women. Two students show the heterosexual bond of two men having full trust with each other while picking up women. David Grazien in The Girl Hunt: Urban Nightlife and the performance of Masculinity as Collective Activity claims, "As we were beginning to mobilize ourselves and move towards the dance floor, James noticed Rachel, a girl he knew from Penn who he often told me about as a potential girlfriend. Considering James was seemingly into this girl, Dan and I decided to be good wing-men and entertain Rachel's friend, Sarah."(p.330) Grazian describes a situation, where the wing-man is used to assist a friend by taking away the girl's buddy. So, that the wing-man friend could talk with the girl alone without any possible distractions. The wing-man helping out his friend by taking over the girl one friend shows the bond of trust between him and his one guy friend. This does show a heterosexual bond between men, because the use of teamwork and loyalty helps make the wing-men look good, while at the same time help the other guy out. Men building the trust between each other help all men have a strong friendship and respect for each other. Both men will learn the value of friendship and loyalty from each other, when they work together to pick up women. All men need wing-men for the moral support to distract the woman girlfriend, but another main purpose of a wing-men is provide a location for single men to hook-up with single women.

All men must have a wing-man for moral support, so that the wing-man could assist their male friend by taking them to a location where a lot of single women hang out. The wing-man main job is to get their single man with a single women in one location. The wing-man must first go to a location, where there are a lot of single women waiting to meet single men. The wing-man must leave his guy friend, so he could be in the same location with the women he is after. This must happen after the wing-man has done his job taking away the woman girlfriend from the area. The wing-man giving men the location of single women is important, because it helps build a heterosexual bond between men. The heterosexual bond allows all men to feel confident with the help of a professional wing-man. Aaron Ellner is a professional wing-man, who is an expert in finding a great location with single women for men. In The Dating Wing-Man Helping the Lovelorn Is all In a Day Work the professional wing-man is described as "Through his company, The Dating Wingman, he offers phone and in-person Consultations to dole out relationship advice to the lovelorn, and he holds singles events at bars in New York City about once a month. The most recent, on June 24, was geared toward people ages 21 to 31 hoping to meet that special someone."(p.1) Appelbaum is saying that Aaron Ellner is a professional matchmaker who can hook up any man with that special someone they're after. Appelbaum provides the service Aaron has to struggling single men looking for the special someone. Location is important, because it gives the wing-man the ability to boost other men confident in their-selves. This will allow a heterosexual bond for the wing-man and the men, because location will allow men to feel less stressful, when trying to talk with a woman. The location is needed for the single man and woman to feel that special spark in their life for the first time. This is true, if the women is interested and feel the same way about the single man.

All men should use a wing-man and moral support to help them boost confidence and strength toward finding women. Men seem to search for girlfriends or wives, but many have failed, because their too nervous or have no confident to tell women how they feel. Men should request the help of a wing-man to find the type of women they're after and want to be with for all eternity. The wing-man gave very strong advice that I believe is accurate, clear, and very helpful in finding the type of women men desire. Wing-Men allow the services of helping single men find a location, where they could pick up single women. Wing-Men have helped many single men get with single women by being their go to guy. Wing-men are good people, because not a lot of people would take the time to help other men out with the ladies. Men should love the idea of having a go to guy to help them and make them look good. All men should get a wing-man, because they truly are the best people to go to, when guys need support and help with talking to women.

Works Cited

Appelbaum, Aliza. "The Dating Wing-man.Helping the Lovelorn Is All In a Day’s Work." Forward Newspaper. 13 July 2010, final ed.: Print.

Newman, Andrew. A. "Wing-Men in the Wings." New York Times. 25 March 2007, final ed.: Print.

Grazian, David. “The Girl Hunt: Urban Nightlife and the Performance of Masculinity as Collective Activity.” Men’s Lives. Michael S. Kimmel, Michael A. Messner, and Allyn & Bacon. New York. 8th edition (2010): 320-337 Print.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Wing-Man Research Paper First Draft

Wai Sing Lam
November 27, 2010

Wing-Man Research Paper First Draft

There have always been men in the world who have had trouble with picking up women. These are the men who experience it several times, where they could not find the words to say what they want to a women. This is why men need to rely on each other for assistant to finding a women that best suit the individual. Men need to stick together as a group to assist their fellow men by being their wing-man in order to boost the individual self-esteem. Men need each other as the wing-man and for moral support in hopes to receive the attention and potential hook-up of available single women. The articles like "Wing-men in the Wings", "The Girl Hunt: Urban Nightlife and the Performance of Masculinity as Collective Activity", and “The Dating Wing-Man.Helping the Lovelorn Is All In a Day’s Work", describe a situation where the wing-man are labeled as helpful, which they are. Men need of a wing-man is something men need when confident is lost or stress are up when they see a women they like. People don't know how helpful wing-men are at giving advice and other kinds of help.

Men need a wing-man to provide moral support by giving them helpful advice and a walk-through for a potential hookup. But, people wonder how wing-men are helpful and what they do that helps benefit the person. Wing-Men are required people who are used to make the other person look good when he approaches a woman. The wing-man must help the man find the right person for them by providing helpful confident builting advice. The wing-man needs to tell the person what to say and what to look for in a women. The article that shows effectiveness of a wing-man is a New York Times article by Andrew Adam Newman. According to Andrew Adam Newman article, Wing-men in the Wings, Newman said, "if you have an energetic personality, go out with someone more relaxed because he'll complement you more and determining who will be the wing-man and who the pilot in each encounter.""Before you approach, agree who's going to talk to the 8-on-a-scale-of-10 and who will keep the 6 entertained, and don't switch in the middle."(p.1) Newman talks about a situation where one of the men must decide who is going to be the wing-man and who will be the one targeting the main women. This is a key point to an effective wing-man, because it makes the other guy look good in front of the girls. Newman continues to mention that before the man approaches the women, he must decide on who is going to be the talking one and who is the fun entertaining one. This is essential important, because if the man can't decide on what to do, then this will embrass the wing-man in front of the ladies. Thus, making the wing-man weaker by messing up his flow and game he has with helping the individual. Overall, I 100% agree with Newman, because if the wing-man and the other men don't know what to do ,then your screwed. Meaning the wing-man has wasted their time and effort to help the other guy get with a women. The wing-man need to be able to give the advice to the individual, but first the guy must agree on who is doing what. Even though wing-man are needed for helpful advice, another requirement for the wing-man is to keep the women friend busy, while the other guy talks with the main women their targeting.

Men need to be able to rely on other men to be their wing-man for the chance to distract the women friend. Men need to support each other by allowing one men to be the wing-man so they could achieve the goal of finding that special someone for him. The wing-man must take full responsibility and look out for his friend no matter what. That mean the wing-man must take the women friend away from the main women at any cost, even if the friend is ugly or unattractive. The wing-man must do his duty to help his fellow men in achieving success. The wing-man success is described in an article by David Grazian about men hunting for a women, even with her friend with her. According to David Grazian article, The Girl Hunt: Urban Nightlife and the performance of Masculinity as Collective Activity, Grazian said, "As we were beginning to mobilize ourselves and move towards the dance floor, James noticed Rachel, a girl he knew from Penn who he often told me about as a potential girlfriend." "Considering James was seemingly into this girl, Dan and I decided to be good wing-men and entertain Rachel's friend, Sarah."(p.330) Grazian indicates how the use of wing-men is effective and show how two friend look out for each other. Grazian example of Dan and James show how two friend respect and show loyalty toward one another. The wing-man distraction of the women friend show good teamwork and support among both men. I agree with Grazian, because teamwork and loyalty helps make the wing-men look good, while at the same time help the other guy out. Men do need wing-man moral support for distracting the female friend, but another main purpose of a wing-men is to lurk single men and women together in a public place.

Men must be able to rely on each other to be their wing-man for the chance to be taken a location with a lot of available single women. The wing-man main job is to get their single man with a single women in one location. The wing-man must first go to a place where there are a lot single women to be pick up by single men. The wing-man must leave his guy friend, so he could be in the same location with the women he is after. This must happen after the wing-man have done his job lurking away the women-friend from the area. Location is essentially important, because it is the wing-man job to help their struggling guy friend find that special someone in a public place. One man that show an example of this is Aaron Ellner who enjoy helping people find their special someone. According to Aliza Appelbaum article, The Dating Wing-man Appelbaum, said, "Through his company, The Dating Wingman, he offers phone and in-person Consultations to dole out relationship advice to the lovelorn, and he holds singles events at bars in New York City about once a month.""The most recent, on June 24, was geared toward people ages 21 to 31 hoping to meet that special someone."(p.1) Appelbaum is saying that Aaron Ellner is a professional matchmaker who can hook any person with the someone they're after. Appelbaum also mention the service Aaron provides to struggling singles looking for the special someone. these are essential important, because single men could use a coach and a location to hook up with women. Appelbaum also talks about how he set the location of all singles into one place, so that the singles could hookup up and meet their special someone there. I find location important for a wing-man, because men could rely on other men for advice and support, if they knew how to approach women in a well managed way. The location is needed for the single man and woman to feel that special spark in their life for the first time. This is true, if the women is interested and feel the same way about the single man.

All men should use a wing-man and moral support to help them boost confidence and strength toward finding women. Men have searched for potential girlfriends or wives for many years, but many have failed. Men should request the help of a wing-man to find the type of women their after and want to be able for all eternity. The wing-man give very strong advice that I believe is subjective, clear, and very helpful in finding the type of women men desire. Wing-Men are essentially important, Because men who are having a trouble time with talking or being around women will have an easier time with the present of a wing-man. Wing-Men provide services of giving men a place, where they could pick up single women is a life dream men should want to have. Wing-Men provide the service of allowing single men the benefit to separate a women friend from the main women in order to help men out. This is a good service, because not a lot of people would take the time to help other men out. Men should love the idea of having a go to guy to help them and make them look good. Men dream of having their chance of true love can be dream to them, but it can be a reality if they could go and find or hire a wing-man for themselves. If they do this, then they'll get a first hand experience on how hiring a wing-man was a good idea in the first place.

Works Cited

Appelbaum, Aliza. "The Dating Wing-man.Helping the Lovelorn Is All In a Day’s Work." Forward Newspaper. Forward Newspaper, 13 July 2010. Web. 20 Nov. 2010.

Newman,Andrew.A. "Wing-men in the Wings." New York Times. New York Times, 25 March 2007. Web. 20 Dec, 2010.

Grazian, David. "The Girl Hunt: Urban Nightlife and the Performance of Masculinity as Collective Activity." Symbolic Interaction. Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction. 30.2 (2007: 320-337. Print.
Wai Sing Lam
November 25,2010

Wing-Man Research Paper Outline

Preliminary Thesis: Men need each other as wing-men and for moral support to order to receive the attention and hook-up of available single women.

I.Finding,understanding, and choosing wing-man.
A. Research wing-man in books or first hand experience.
B. Loyalty and responsibility toward other men toward women friend no matter how ugly she may look.
C. According to Andrew Adam Newman article, Wing-men in the Wings Newman said, "if you have an energetic personality, go out with someone more relaxed because he'll complement you more,and determining who will be the wing-man and who the pilot in each encounter.""Before you approach, agree who's going to talk to the 8-on-a-scale-of-10 and who will keep the 6 entertained, and don't switch in the middle."(p.1)

II.Scouting out single women
A. Men finding women and taking responsibility and loyalty with other men.
B. Finding the beauty and physical appearance of women and distracting their friends.
C. According to David Grazian article, The Girl Hunt: Urban Nightlife and the performance of Masculinity as Collective Activity Grazian said, "As we were beginning to mobilize ourselves and move towards the dance floor, James noticed Rachel, a girl he knew from Penn who he often told me about as a potential girlfriend." "Considering James was seemingly into this girl, Dan and I decided to be good wing-men and entertain Rachel's friend, Sarah."(p.330)

III.The Dating wing-man assistant
A. Aaron Ellnner offers face to face advice to men and phone calls for help with finding the special someone.
B. Provides matchmaking assistant for hookup at his events or public places to men and women.
C. According to Aliza Appelbaum article, The Dating Wing-man Appelbaum said, "Through his company, The Dating Wingman, he offers phone and in-person Consultations to dole out relationship advice to the lovelorn, and he holds singles events at bars in New York City about once a month.""The most recent, on June 24, was geared toward people ages 21 to 31 hoping to meet that special someone."(p.1)

IV.Potential conclusion
A. Men use of wing-man and moral support help them boost confidence and strength toward finding women.
B. Searching for the wing-man help men find the right women.
C. Scouting for women is important to finding the one with the best characteristics that fit what men want.
D. Wing-men is essentially important for men having tough times with talking or speaking with women.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Annotated Bibliography Research Paper #2

Wai Sing Lam
November 18th,2010

Annotated Bibliography Research Paper# 12

Preliminary Thesis: Men need each other to create a heterosexual bond by using men as wing-man, in hopes to receive the attention and interests of available single women.

Appelbaum,Aliza. "The Dating Wing-man.Helping the Lovelorn Is All In a Day’s Work." Forward Newspaper. Forward Newspaper, 13 July 2010. Web. 20 Nov. 2010.

This article shows the usage of a gifted born talented man, who uses his power to portray a good role model. Aaron Ellner is described for his uniqueness in pair matching for men looking for that special someone. This reading brings various points that include description of how, Aaron started out as a match maker and how he has changed so much till this day. This article, describes the positive aspect of how men are good matchmakers and how experience Aaron at doing this.

In the article, from Forward Newspaper, this article allows me to understand what wing-man do. This source is indeed useful in helping me prove the point of why I agree that men need the use of wing-man and moral support for female interaction. This source is very few out of many that are reliable. The source is reliable in allowing me to see how affective a wing-man can be to obtain women. This source is objective in pointing out a goal of information about a man and the use of his wing-man ability to help other men bring attraction of women.

This online article, is useful in helping me with my upcoming research paper. This source is useful in helping me find evidence on how wing-men are a key part to female interaction. This source will enable me to back on my thesis and my argument agreement on men needing wing-men to succeed. This article will allow me to bring my agreement about men need wing-men for assistance if they can't do it themselves. This article has made me want to remain with this topic more, because I want to discover more deeply about the affective of wing-men when it comes to meeting the women face to face.

Grazian, David. "The Girl Hunt: Urban Nightlife and the Performance of Masculinity as Collective Activity." Symbolic Interaction. Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction. 30.2 (2007: 320-337. Print.

This article shows, men dominant, empowerment, social behavior and physical interest in women. This reading shows pursuit in finding different women using wing-man and grouping together as a group for unity. This article continue to talk about men desire to find the sexy women with a great personality that a lot of men want. The valid point of the reading was to tell a story about what measures and what kind of things guys do to get with women. Whether it be playing it cool or going direct into female interaction. This article is used in hopes to give examples of how young men act and do things in modern day society today.

In the article, "The Girl Hunt: Urban Nightlife and the Performance of Masculinity as Collective Activity," the author bring up very good key points. The author bring great examples about guys moral support for each other. While, at the same time the author talks about positive use of wing-men. Wing-men are seen as useful for distraction among girl pals, while the target fall for the trap. This source is useful in helping my research paper. This source is very helpful, because it is very detailed about men and their bond with other men. The source is very reliable, because it was published and it shares a point that I agree on. The point being that men do these stuff like moral support and wing-men usage to get women. It men nature to do whatever it takes to get with someone.

This source will be one of the strongest source for my research paper. This source is very helpful to me, because the source give very deep detail about men behavior in social life. Using wing-men as one of it points to backup on its affectness in the article. It will be used as one of my supporting evidence to back up my agreement on wing-men important role for men. It will be used for my research paper to help make my other support points better and to help me understand the importance of wing-men. Reading what wing-men do for guys make me want to keep finding more and more information about how good wing-men and moral support can be very helpful to people like me. It makes me want to obtain a wing-men more, because I've been searching for a little help with attraction to women.

Newman,Andrew.A. "Wing-men in the Wings." New York Times. New York Times, 25 March 2007. Web. 20 Dec, 2010.

This article shows and shares his ability to any men globally with women troubles. Mr. Mavlov is the dating coach who specialize in getting women. He uses what learned from his own experience to other men. Mr. Mavlov has used his knowledge of women to help other men globally by posting publicly about assistant to single men. The point in this article is to use a bit of information about what wing-men do and how it is shared globally to other men. This article symbolize the help of using wing-men to help men built confident towards female attraction.

In the article, from the New York Times for the 2007 issue, this online article help me see what the writer is trying to do. The writer is showing good intend by using one example of how wing-men can play affective roles to other men. This source is very useful, because it gives various viewpoint from the wing-men point and the other man the wing-man has befriend. This article to my paper, because it gives the information to support my thesis about my agreement toward men needing wing-men. It gives me a good argument towards the positive aspect of how men do well with the use of having a wing-men. This objective is Objective, because it talks about what the wing0men wants to achieve and what goal he wants for other men.

This online article helps me back up my research paper. This source allows me to use this as a supporting evidence to why wing-men is a must needed requirement. This source was very helpful in letting me know wing-men are used everywhere and daily. This source will become very handy in become one of my body paragraph and main points for my research paper. When I have fully put my evidence together it will become strong and effective in my paper. Doing study of men being wing-men and sometimes women being wing-women has allow me to find more understand of wing-men job. It makes me want to look for more information about the use of wing-men to find women.

Coltrane Reflection

Wai Sing Lam
November 19th,2010

Coltrane Reflection

Coltane dicuss the role where mother and father are the parents who take care of their children. In Coltrane, paradox reality he sees that father are doing the job as the stayhome parent, where women are the provider for their family. According to Scott Coltrane article, "Fathering:Paradoxes,Contradictions,and Dilemas, Coltrane says, "We do know that when fathers share child care and housework with their wives, employed mothers escape total responsibility for family work, evaluate the division of labor as more fair, are less depressed, and enjoy higher levels of marital satisfaction."(p.441) Coltrane is saying women are at work making money and taking long hours. While the father, stay home and built a strong bond with his son mostly, and sometimes with his daughter. The father become the one who teaches, the son to fullfil duties and be a good boy. While the mother spend hours at work, thus having less time for responsiblitiy in taking care of their children. It's like the fathers are taking the role of the mother as birthgiver. They're taking the role of the mother, while mother are taking roles as the father.